Thank you for your interest in advertising with Discovery Mountain. Please complete and submit this online form and you will hear back from us soon. 


Advertising Questions


1. Discovery Mountain (DM) is an audio program created by the Voice of Prophecy (VOP) in 2017. DM seasons and episodes are modern-day parables that present biblical principles in a fictional town. The reenactments of the Bible stories are presented with care to stay as close to the biblical text as possible. Biblical topics are selected that will minister to families of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds. The primary audience is children and their parents and grandparents. *
2. Advertising to children must follow the most recent COPPA regulations. DM adheres to these policies, and advertisers and their affiliate websites must as well. *
3. Advertisers agree in good faith that their products and the content of their ads will not be out of harmony with Christian principles and respect for children. For example, advertisements or products that include violence, adult topics, sexuality, etc. will not be accepted. *
4. Several distribution platforms disallow advertising to children that includes references to social media. DM ads may include phone numbers and affiliate website links, but no references to social media accounts or platforms. *
5. Advertisements may be recorded and post-produced by your organization and submitted for approval. Advertisements may also be read by the Discovery Mountain narrator, or one of the regular cast of voice actors, and post-produced by VOP. A one-time fee will be applied for VOP post-produced ads. *

Maximum file size: 10MB

6. Advertisements are available on a monthly and quarterly basis. Ads air on the podcast version of the program which plays at and on all the major podcast platforms. Ads are not included in episodes that air on the radio, are streamed in the Club members-only access portion of, on digital downloads of the program, or on audio CD sets. *
7. Advertisements are available in 15 second, 30 second and 60 second spots. Please indicate which category(ies) you’re interested in. *

Thank you for your information. We will review the information, and if we seem to be a good fit for advertising, we will send you contract and pricing information . If you have any questions please email us at
